Friday, May 31, 2013

You Are Very, Very, Special

June marks the month Della was born.  When Della, was born for what ever the reason may be her parents put her up for adoption.   From that day forward all of Della's birthdays have been missed.  None celebrated, no parties thrown, no cake made, no house decorated, and Della was never the special birthday girl.  I set out tonight to find a birthday card, that fit the occasion.  I looked through shelves, and shelves of cards, but all of them talked about 'Doing what you love, on your special day!'  Well as we all know...Della can't do what she loves any day because she is tied to a crib.  I was about to give up my search, when I found a card with balloons on the front.   I figured I would try one last  card before leaving the store.  The front of the card said "Thinking of you on your birthday and always"  I opened the card only to find that the few small words in side brought tears to my eyes...."A birthday is a good time to say that, whether you're near or far away, you are very, very special. "  It was absolutely perfect.  My heart was happy, and my mission was complete.  I also snatched up a Princess Tiara to tuck away in her keepsake box.  One day she will wear it on her sweet head, and know that she is a daughter who is oh so loved in so many ways.  :)  I love you sweet one, please stay strong till someone can save you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dear Della,

I continue to get more, and more pictures of you.  I have so many adorable, and heart breaking photos of you.  Every time we get more pictures I feel as though my heart has been torn from my chest.  You sweet one...You have my heart.   You have my heart with you, as you're locked away, and pushed aside.   I wish more than anything that you could be rescued....And you can be rescued, but first we need a family.

We need someone to step up and claim you as their daughter, we need someone to choose you to be their daughter.   We need someone to say 'I will save her!  She's mine, and I am willing and ready to change her fate!'  As of right now, we are waiting for that person to step up.  We are waiting, while God is preparing hearts, and homes for you sweet one.  Arms that will be open wide to welcome you into their homes, hearts that are ready to fight the long adoption battle and continue to love you unconditionally once you're home.   We are just waiting.  But it's the waiting that scares me, are you healthy? Are you sick?  Are you so malnourished that you could pass any day?  Do you have a horrible diaper rash?  When were your clothes changed last?  Are you laying on wet dirty sheets?  Are you constantly tied to that "cage"?   These are the questions that have ran through my head today, these are the questions that sadly I don't, and wont have answers to.  I try to focus on the positives, but sometimes that just isn't enough.  I'm living comfortably, and you are being treated like an animal.  I hate that it has to be this way, and hope that things will change soon.  But for now, all I can do is pray and trust that God will rise up the perfect family, in His perfect timing.

I love you sweet one,
Love sissy.


Here is some more information for our readers.

This is a wonderful lady that not only met you, but purposely took the time to build a trust bond with you.  For this I am thankful.

"I have met her; I lived there twice and used to spend a whole bunch of time with her! I was drawn to her because none of the nannies liked her- they think she's too much trouble. Many of the kids will sit in their strollers all day and not move around, but Della would crawl around. She'd end up in unusual places like the bathtub and they would get upset about that (I never figured out what harm she was causing by hanging out in the dry bathtub), so they'd tie her to her crib so she couldn't go anywhere. I'd go in and find her tied up, crying and chewing on her hands and I made it my goal to make her laugh. She loves to walk (but needs someone to hold her up) so we'd stroll around, or I'd toss her in the air a bit and get her to giggle. She also doesn't get attention because she's not as cute or endearing as some other kids. A few kids are really cute and are good at playing with the nannies or curling up in their laps. Unfortunately, after being neglected all of her life and probably due to some of her handicaps, Della isn't as "cute." She smells like drool and snot from crying and chewing on her hands a lot, and it took a long time for her to trust me enough to actually seek out my attention. For awhile, I'd kind of have to chase after her to play with her since she kept turning and crawling away from me. Eventually though, I'd walk in the room and she'd start laughing and hold out her arms to me. All that to say that I think there is a very sweet girl somewhere in Della, waiting for somebody to love her enough to have that shine through."

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The One The World Rejected

Dear Della,

  Hi there sweet girl,
My name is Alyssa and I am your new advocate!  I will be writing letters to you and Miss Greta, as well as building you two Keepsake Boxes.  :)

I want to start off by telling our readers a little bit about you darling one!

Your diagnosis is Down syndrome, deep mental delay, deficiency anemia, hypostatura.   Now those things might sound scary but I can assure you they are not!

'Down syndrome', is when an individual is born with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome.   This makes them extra special, they may learn a bit slower...But hey!  We all learn at our own pace!

'Deep Mental handicap'  is probably caused because she is in an institution, and doesn't have room to grow and thrive as a near 12 year old should.  She has no one to help her learn, or to stimulate her brain.

'Deficiency Anemia' Iron deficiency, very common and an iron supplement can often fix it.  It can be caused by poor nutrition.  Which is more then likely the cause in this case, because of where she is currently living.  I may be wrong though.

'Hypostatura' Short stature do to malnutrition, or other illness.

So see?  He diagnosis isn't scary!  As for her personality, despite what her Reece's Rainbow profile says (Now many people have met her and all have different impressions of her!) I like this one the best though. :)

"I know people who have met her who found her to be a happy little girl who loved to cause mischief.  She can walk assisted and the nannies aren't a fan of her because she is more mobile and into things than the rest of her groupa.  She was wearing an 18 month onesie last summer at 10 years old."

This describes her well, but also show the great need of a family.  It is absolutely horrifying to hear that at nearly 11 years old she can fit into an 18 month onesie.   My three year old brother Silas, wont even fit in an 18 month onesie!  The is outrageous!   Della, needs out!  If she stays like this much longer she wont survive! She will die, in a place where she was not wanted.  My heart hurts, and I want to jump on a plane to go get her.  But I can't.  So I am going to need you to do it for me.  Please, don't let her die like this.

"I see the tears falling down her face
How come no one protected
The little girl that the world rejected."